Therapy for Infertility
When infertility is discovered, it can create a lot of personal and relationship stress, leaving couples feeing hopeless. The discovery of infertility likely comes with stress, uncertainty, disbelief, and relational distress, all of which can make it even more challenging to conceive. Although infertility is being talked about more openly in the general public, it is important to know that therapists have been supporting couples through infertility issues for decades.
Common Relational Problems with Infertility
Dealing with pressures from friends and family asking when you are starting a family when you have been trying for months or years
Sex starts to become scheduled, and intimacy declines
Feeling inadequate and unsure how to confide in your partner
Stress associated with going to infertility doctors trying to figure out a plan
Grieving the hopes of having children of your own, leaving you feeling defeated
Unsure how to share the challenges of infertility with family